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Frequently Asked Questions

You can target with exact Phone Number, Email Address, First Name, Last name, Street/Division/Holding Number of the House. Forget about only targeting with age group, demography etc. etc. 

You and Your friend added some similar interest like “Hobby – Gardening”. So, Facebook with consider your friend as your Lookalike Audience same goes for your Friend. This is just an example though. Anything that matches with your friends can be considered to be a criterion for Lookalike Audience.

Anything that creates immediate attention of your Target Customers to your Brand is called good Social Media Content. 

No one search by your Business Name. So, what they search for? They search for what exactly they need, whether it’s a service or product. So, when they search by their desired service or product, they need to find your Business. And SEO is the only way to show your business name in the first page of the Google Search.

No one search by your Business Name. So, what they search for? They search for what exactly they need, whether it’s a service or product. So, when they search by their desired service or product, they need to find your Business. And SEO is the only way to show your business name in the first page of the Google Search.

Without this, you can’t explain yourself properly. If you can’t describe yourself properly to your customers then they will skip you easily. So, you know how important Content Marketing is for your Business.

Yes, with no doubt it is. Most importantly for small to mid-level businesses, it’s really helpful as you can both increase sales and do some branding at the same time. 

Whenever we talk about the benefits it directly indicates to the Sales and Revenue of your Business. Yes, with Social Media Marketing you can boost your sales in the shortest possible time. Not limited to sales, you can have good Business Communication, Business Relationship and Branding by Social Media Marketing.

For us, it’s an easy answer “cost depends on the volume of your expected sales generation”. We have a transparent ratio for you – “More Leads = More Communication = More Sales”. If you need more Leads, you just need to spend more. 

You think Facebook? Yes, it’s one of them. But WhatsApp marketing, Instagram Marketing, Email Marketing, SMS marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, IMO Marketing, TikTok Marketing, Viber Marketing are the most important channels you should use for your Social Media Marketing. 

You think Facebook? Yes, it’s one of them. But WhatsApp marketing, Instagram Marketing, Email Marketing, SMS marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, IMO Marketing, TikTok Marketing, Viber Marketing are the most important channels you should use for your Social Media Marketing. 

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