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Delacroy Training

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Delacroy Training

They offer a range of nationally recognized courses that are industry-focused and designed to equip you with the practical skills and knowledge needed to thrive in your chosen profession.


Social Media Marketing

Achievement Institution Australia
Alpha Technical Training

Solution - Social Media Marketing:

Quadque Digital crafted a strategic Social Media Marketing campaign to address Delacroy Training’s goals. The focus was on promoting their qualifications, highlighting real job prospects, and engaging with the target audience effectively.


  • Targeted Content: We developed tailored content that showcased the benefits of Delacroy Training’s qualifications and emphasized real-world applications.
  • Consistent Posting: A regular posting schedule ensured a steady flow of relevant content on various social media platforms.
  • Engaging Visuals: Eye-catching graphics, videos, and infographics were used to capture the attention of the audience.
  • Paid Advertising: Targeted social media advertising campaigns were employed to reach a wider audience.


  • Delacroy Training’s social media following grew significantly across platforms.
  • Engagement metrics, including likes, shares, and comments, increased, indicating a more active and interested audience.
  • The campaign successfully conveyed Delacroy Training’s commitment to improving employment prospects and opportunities, resonating with potential students and employers.

Enhancing Student Enrollment for Delacroy Training Through Social Media Marketing

Challenge: Delacroy Training aimed to increase student enrollment in their various qualification programs across multiple industries. They needed a strategic approach to attract and convert potential students through digital channels.

Solution – Social Media Marketing: Quadque Digital developed a targeted Social Media Marketing strategy focused on student recruitment and enrollment.


  • Ad Campaigns: We created and managed highly targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential students interested in the Automotive, Business Management, Mortgage Broking, and Security industries.
  • Landing Pages: Custom landing pages were designed to provide detailed information about each qualification and facilitate easy enrollment.
  • Lead Generation: Lead generation forms were integrated into social media ads, enabling interested individuals to express their interest conveniently.


  • Delacroy Training witnessed a substantial increase in inquiries and leads from individuals interested in their qualification programs.
  • The streamlined enrollment process led to a boost in student enrollments across various industries.

In summary, Quadque Digital’s strategic Social Media Marketing efforts successfully addressed Delacroy Training’s objectives of increasing brand visibility, engaging with the audience, and enhancing student enrollment. By tailoring content and leveraging paid advertising, Delacroy Training was able to promote their qualifications and improve their overall online presence, ultimately leading to improved employment prospects for their students.


Delacroy Training, a nationally recognized Registered Training Organization (RTO), wanted to increase its online presence and reach a broader audience. They sought to showcase their range of qualifications in industries like Automotive, Business Management, Mortgage Broking, and Security to potential students and employers across Australia.