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JMJ International Education

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JMJ International Education


JMJ International Education, a renowned career guidance provider, sought to expand its reach and engage its community more effectively. They needed a dynamic and engaging way to showcase their services and success stories to a wider audience.


  • Video Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

Achievement Institution Australia

Solution - Video Marketing:

Quadque Digital stepped in with a Video Marketing strategy tailored to JMJ’s needs. We produced a series of high-quality videos, including success stories, informative webinars, and promotional content.


  • Compelling Success Stories: We created video testimonials from individuals who had achieved their career goals with their guidance, emphasizing the tangible impact of their services.
  • Informative Webinars: JMJ’s expertise was showcased through educational webinars, positioning them as thought leaders in career development.
  • Increased Engagement: JMJ’s video content saw a significant increase in engagement, with views, likes, and shares multiplying, leading to a broader community reach.


  • JMJ’s community expanded as a result of our Video Marketing efforts, attracting individuals seeking career guidance and services.
  • The videos helped establish trust and credibility, leading to a higher conversion rate among potential clients.

Transforming Email Marketing for JMJ International Education

Challenge: JMJ International Education had a substantial subscriber base, but their email communication needed a revamp. They wanted to deliver more personalized and valuable content to their community.

Solution – Email Marketing: Quadque Digital designed a revamped Email Marketing strategy for JMJ, focusing on segmentation, personalized content, and automation.


  • Segmented Campaigns: We segmented JMJ’s subscriber list based on interests and career goals, ensuring that each recipient received content relevant to their needs.
  • Personalization: We incorporated personalized recommendations and updates, making each email feel tailored to the recipient.
  • Automation: Scheduled drip campaigns and automated follow-ups ensured consistent engagement with JMJ’s community.


  • JMJ’s open rates and click-through rates increased significantly.
  • The personalized approach led to a higher level of trust and a boost in enrollment for their career guidance services.

Elevating Content Marketing for JMJ International Education

Challenge: JMJ International Education aimed to position itself as a knowledge hub in the career development field. They needed a content strategy that showcased their expertise and provided valuable insights.

Solution – Content Marketing: Quadque Digital partnered with create an extensive Content Marketing plan, focusing on blog posts, ebooks, and informative guides.


  • Thought Leadership: We produced in-depth articles and ebooks that showcased their expertise in various career fields.
  • Educational Guides: Informative career development guides were created, offering actionable advice to JMJ’s community.
  • SEO Optimization: Content was optimized for search engines, increasing their visibility in organic search results.


  • JMJ’s website traffic saw a notable increase, with a surge in organic search rankings.
  • Their content became widely shared and cited in the career development community, solidifying their position as an industry leader.

Harnessing Social Media Marketing for JMJ International Education

Challenge: JMJ International Education wanted to boost its presence on social media platforms, engage with its community, and attract a younger audience.

Solution – Social Media Marketing: Quadque Digital implemented a Social Media Marketing strategy that included creating compelling content, running targeted ads, and fostering community engagement.


  • Engaging Content: We developed a content calendar that included informative posts, success stories, and interactive polls to keep the community engaged.
  • Targeted Ads: We ran ads on social media platforms, reaching a wider audience interested in career development.
  • Community Building: Regular engagement with comments and messages helped create a sense of community around JMJ.


  • JMJ’s social media following grew substantially across platforms.
  • Engagement metrics, including likes, shares, and comments, increased, fostering a more interactive community.

In conclusion, Quadque Digital’s comprehensive digital marketing strategies in Video Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, and Social Media Marketing have helped JMJ International Education expand its reach, engage its community effectively, and establish itself as a trusted leader in the field of career guidance and education. These case studies highlight the successful collaboration between the two entities and the tangible benefits achieved through digital marketing efforts.